
Sailor+ is an app created to find and share the best places to travel around the world, follow your friends and start exploring locations, attractions, nature, and more!!. No matter where you are at or if you're just sitting in your house because you can find new places on a simple click.

-Android Studio
-Glide: Image loading and caching library for Android
-Google maps SDK
-Push Notifications

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Likestagram is an android app like instagram and allows the user to share and like photos using Parse as its backend.

-Android Studio
-Glide: Image loading and caching library for Android

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ReTwitter is an android app that allows a user to view their Twitter timeline and all basic user interactions with tweets. The app utilizes Twitter REST API.

-Android Studio
-Twitter for developers API
-Android Async HTTP: Simple asynchronous HTTP requests with JSON parsing
-Glide: Image loading and caching library for Android

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Pincident is a web-application that was born to help vulnerable people to express their experiences about places where they feel unconfortable, the application allows users to add incidents via a Google Cloud SQL database as easy as writing the issue, giving some details and selecting the location using google maps API

-Google SQL instance database, Asyncronous methods, Post methods , Bootstrap, SQL Queries, Java Servlets, Google Places API, Google Maps API, Leaflet & Leaflet Clusters, Json, Gson, CSS, HTML, JavaScript, Jquery


-The map flies to the selected location

-Autocomplete the name of searched places

-Add and show incidents in real time

-Dark mode :)

-Back end driven application

-Pin zone distance clustering

-Modal interface to see data of each location

-SQL Queries via cloud

The project was finished in three weeks during my Google SPS program, and updated using git commands via Google's cloud shell editor.

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Thorment is a video game developed in Unity by 4 programmers and a sprite, audio and sound designer. Thorment is an exploration video game where the player will be able to explore different islands, create a home to shelter from the great storm that comes every so often, do missions, mine, build and defeat enemies and final bosses.

This videogame Includes a ton of mechanics including inventory system, animal and enemies behaviours, mining system, gathering resources system, energy and xp systems, saving and loading systems, tutorial, missions, platform battles, 11 handmade islands, boat system, player upgrades, teleporting system, and more.

Your goal is to collect the 5 stones that will be found scattered around the world, with them you can enter the great room where the eye of the storm is located, to stop the storm once and for all. The project was carried out in a period of 4-5 months of hard work, many of the things were polished but we need your help to tell us what you think!

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OSID(Open Source Insulin Dispenser)

OSID is a project that was born to help people diagnosed with type 1 diabetes using a portable, mobile and intelligent system that could help them track their glucose levels and inject a certain amount of insulin automatically. This project was made in a team of 3 people.

This project has three parts:

1-Mobile App made in Android studio:

This mobile application is capable of establishing a bluetooth connection with the glucometer and receives the voltage values of the blood, then we use a mathematical equation to convert that numeric value to glucose levels to send it, so the insulin pump can inject it. The mobile application also has notificacions, graphs and an intuitive design.


Our glucometer is a device capable of reading blood glucose levels and sending them to a mobile application that interprets the data, using electronic components, Arduino, "OneTouch glucose strips", and a prototype PCB universal board. We finished a functional schematic of a glucometer based on an open-source glucometer and our needs. The information is shown on the mobile application and is stored using SQLLite, making it accessible whenever the user needs it. The margin error of the glucose levels calculated by our physical prototype glucometer compared to the commercial "OneTouch Ultra 2 Glucometer" is +-10%


This pump consisted of a step motor, a radiofrequency receiver, an Arduino nano, and a 5v battery. This Insulin Pump has an algorithm to inject an extremely small amount of insulin.

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Download OSID spanish presentation card

Download OSID Glucometer PCB design


A mobile application for ordering drinks, where users can register and "place orders" of the products in our database. The project was made in a team of two and developed in Android Studio. The app used our programmed web services via internet hosting to communicate with the app. ( Java, MySQL, PHP ).

I was the lead web services programmer, DB designer, and an Android Studio programmer.

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This portoflio!

This portfolio is using firebase real time database, JS, CSS and HTML, and loading the bottom quotes via an API query.

AVO (Hackathon Small Project)

A Hackathon project born to help avocado farmers to understand better their terrains, AVO is a platform that allows farmers to find the best place to plant trees.

All the page was made by me during the Hackathon

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